Here is a list of some of the items to be found in the 2025 Spring Wiki Wiki show on Sunday March 23. |
$5 Table | 39,40,46 |
18K Pearl & Diamond Necklace | 35 |
1920 Bronze Carved Rosewood | 31 |
1930 Chinese Bamboo Carved China Man | 31 |
1940 18K Men's Watch | 35 |
1950s Snoopy Dog Bowls | 31 |
1960-70s Rock Concert Posters/Handbills | 74 |
1960s California Brochures & Maps | 74 |
1960s Las Vegas/Reno Brochures & Promo | 74 |
1970 Rare United Airlines Menehune | 31 |
19th Century Chinese Bronze Lamps | 31 |
45rpm Rock N Roll Records | 15 |
Accessories | 48, 65, 83 |
Action Figures (TMNT) | 76 |
Advertisements(Airline) | 2 |
African Art | 72 |
Aloha Shirts (Hawaiian) | 71 |
Aloha Shirts | 43, 53, 73, 83 |
Aloha Ware (Mid Century) | 53 |
Aloha Wear | 34, 83 |
Antique & Vintage Coat of Arms | 47 |
Antique & Vintage Designer Handbags & Accessories | 47 |
Antique & Vintage Estate Jewelry | 47 |
Antique & Vintage Hawaiian Dresses, Shirts, MuuMuus | 47 |
Antique & Vintage Koa | 47 |
Antique & Vintage Ukulele | 47 |
Antique &Vintage Artwork | 47 |
Antique 18K Diamond/Ruby Pocket Watch | 35 |
Antique Jewelry | 25, 26, 27, 4, 51 |
Antique Lamps | 35 |
Antiques | 33, 42 |
Antiques(American) | 49 |
Antiques(Asian) | 16, 28 |
Antiques(Chinese) | 13, 41, 62 |
Antiques(European) | 49 |
Antiques(Japanese) | 41, 49 |
AntiqueVintage Jewelry | 47 |
Art Decor | 5 |
Art | 36, 56 |
Art(African ) | 72 |
Art(Hale Pua & Air Brush) | 17,18 |
Artwork(Antique &Vintage) | 47 |
Ashtrays Local | 15 |
Asian Antiques | 16, 28 |
Asian Collectables | 38, 44, 78 |
Asian Snuff Bottles | 16 |
Assorted Items | 3 |
Assorted Wood Parfum | 34 |
Authentic Louis Vuitton Bags | 50 |
Autographs | 56 |
Bailing Pin | 31 |
Bamboo Carved China Man(1930 Chinese) | 31 |
Baseball Cards | 69 |
Beads | 42, 54 |
Beanie Babies | 58 |
Beatlemania | 73 |
Big Wave Invitational Eddy Posters | 34 |
Black Coral Jewelry | 34 |
Blankets | 55 |
Block Prints | 35 |
Body Modification | 1 |
Books | 63, 64 |
Books(Hawaiian) | 87 |
Bottles | 34 |
Bottles(Asian Snuff) | 16 |
Bottles(Hawaiian Drug) | 15 |
Bottles(Hawaiian Soda) | 63 |
Bottles(Hawaiian) | 59 |
Brochures & Maps(1960s California) | 74 |
Buddhas | 1 |
Bullion | 14 |
Buttons | 90 |
California Pottery | 17,18 |
Cambridge Cleo Set (Green Depression Glass) | 84 |
Cassettes | 89, 90 |
Ceramics | 32, 56 |
Ceramics(Japanese/Chinese) | 78 |
Chinese & Japanese Porcelain | 35 |
Chinese Antiques | 13, 41, 62 |
Chinese Bronze Lamps(19th Century) | 31 |
Chinese Collectables | 62 |
Chinese Jade / Nephrite Jade | 62 |
Chinese Porcelain Vase | 62 |
Cigarette/Cigar Lighters 1950-60s | 74 |
Clocks(Mini Mora) | 80 |
Clothes Hangers(Wooden Territorial) | 15 |
Clothing | 4, 22, 23, 24, 48, 53, 55, 61, 64, 65, 85, 86, 90 |
Clothing(Hawaiian) | 71 |
Clothing(Surf) | 84 |
Coat of Arms (Antique & Vintage) | 47 |
Coins (Foreign/US) | 45 |
Coins (Hawaiian, Gold, Silver, Certified) | 25,26,27 |
Coins (Silver) | 25,26,27 |
Coins | 14, 58, 60 |
Coins(Gold) | 25,26,27 |
Coke Items | 22 |
Collage Photos | 4 |
Collectables(Asian) | 38, 44, 78 |
Collectables(Chinese) | 62 |
Collectables(Miscellaneous) | 4, 30, 37 |
Collectible Toys | 29 |
Collectibles | 5, 42, 51, 64, 82, 87 |
Collectibles(Dairy) | 59 |
Collectibles(Japanese) | 72, 79 |
Comics | 21, 25, 26, 27, 77 |
Comics(Old) | 15 |
Corals/ Turquoise/ Ambers | 62 |
Costume Jewelry | 6 |
Cups & Saucers | 6 |
Curiosities | 1, 38 |
Custom Jewelry | 72 |
Dairy Collectibles | 59 |
Danish Teak | 53 |
Dated Hawaiian Postcards | 63 |
Decanter(Jim Beam) | 73 |
Delft | 80 |
Depression Glass | 6, 39, 40, 46, 84 |
Designer Handbags & Accessories(Antique & Vintage ) | 47 |
Discount Postage | 15 |
Dishes | 9, 10, 19, 85, 86 |
Dolls(Hula) | 34 |
Dresses(Hawaiian) | 50, 71 |
DVD/VHS | 69 |
Eddy Posters(Big Wave Invitational) | 34 |
Ephemera Matson | 2 |
Ephemera(Hawaii Related) | 36 |
Ephemera(Hawaii) | 34, 50 |
Ephemera(Misc. Fabrics, ) | 41 |
Estate Jewelry (Antique & Vintage) | 47 |
Estate Jewelry | 16 |
Estate Turquoise | 34 |
Etc. | 56 |
European Antiques | 49 |
European Fine Art | 80 |
European Ware | 22 |
Fabric | 9, 10, 43, 54, 55 |
Fabric(Hawaiian) | 70 |
Fabrics(Japanese) | 78 |
Fabrics(Vintage Lei-Po'o) | 83 |
Figurines | 22, 56, 69 |
Fine Art (European) | 80 |
Fine Costume(Jewelry) | 8 |
First Day Issues(Hawaii) | 66 |
Floats | 17,18 |
Furniture Mid Century | 32 |
Furniture | 9,10 |
Furniture(Small) | 8 |
Games | 78 |
Garden | 32 |
GI Joes | 76 |
Glass | 32, 64, 78 |
Glass(Depression) | 6, 39, 40, 46, 84 |
Glass(Uranium) | 39,40,46 |
Godzilla, Kaiju | 41 |
Gold Cards | 87 |
Gold Coins | 25,26,27 |
Gold | 14 |
Gucci Handbags | 31 |
Guitars | 81 |
Gump’s Jewelry | 20, 52 |
Hand Crafted Koa Bowl | 31 |
Handbags(Gucci) | 31 |
Handmade Jewelry | 4 |
Hats | 90 |
Hawaii Ephemera | 34, 50 |
Hawaii Magazines/Brochures | 74 |
Hawaii Maps | 74 |
Hawaii Matchbook Covers | 59 |
Hawaii Related Ephemera | 36 |
Hawaiian Aloha Shirts | 71 |
Hawaiian Books | 87 |
Hawaiian Bottles | 59 |
Hawaiian Clothing | 71 |
Hawaiian Collectibles(Misc.) | 29 |
Hawaiian Dresses | 50, 71 |
Hawaiian Dresses, Shirts, MuuMuus(Antique & Vintage) | 47 |
Hawaiian Drug Bottles | 15 |
Hawaiian Fabric | 70 |
Hawaiian Fabrics/ Prints | 62 |
Hawaiian Jewelry | 20 |
Hawaiian Jewelry(Misc.) | 52 |
Hawaiian Milk Bottles | 63 |
Hawaiian Prints & Pictures | 29 |
Hawaiian Quilts | 70 |
Hawaiian Records | 15 |
Hawaiian Shirts | 17, 18, 50 |
Hawaiian Soda Bottles | 63 |
Hawaiian Swizzlesticks | 73 |
Hawaiian Wear | 9, 10 |
Hawaiiana (Koa, feather Headbands) | 22 |
Hawaiiana | 14, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 38, 45, 50, 55, 58, 61, 62, 63, 72, 79, 84, 85 |
Heineken Collectibles | 63 |
Home Decor | 53, 61, 64, 86 |
Hot Wheels (Redline) | 73 |
Hotel and Restaurant Advertisements | 2 |
Household Items | 9, 10, 21 |
Houseware Bric-A-Brac | 90 |
Houseware Goods (Old) | 70 |
Hukilau Floats | 31 |
Hula Dolls | 34 |
Hummels & Various Figurines | 72 |
Ikebana Vases | 75 |
Jade Jewelry | 25,26,27 |
Blaisdell Hawaii Suites & Galleria. Click on the map to enlarge.
Jade | 13 |
Jade(Vintage & Antique) | 35 |
Japanese Antiques | 41, 49 |
Japanese Collectibles | 72, 79 |
Japanese Fabrics | 78 |
Japanese Stamp Sheets | 15 |
Japanese Superhero Toys | 73 |
Japanese Woodcuts (books) | 50 |
Jewelry ("Mullanium" Steampunk Earring & Pins) | 74 |
Jewelry (Shells, Red Coral, Silver, etc.) | 22 |
Jewelry (Sterling) | 62 |
Jewelry Fine_Costume | 8 |
Jewelry Ming's | 20, 33, 37, 43, 52 |
Jewelry | 1, 9, 10, 19, 25, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 54, 56, 64, 65, 69, 85, 86 |
Jewelry(Antique & Vintage) | 47 |
Jewelry(Antique) | 25, 26, 27, 4, 51 |
Jewelry(Black Coral) | 34 |
Jewelry(Costume) | 6 |
Jewelry(Custom) | 72 |
Jewelry(Estate) | 16 |
Jewelry(Gump’s) | 20, 52 |
Jewelry(Handmade) | 4 |
Jewelry(Hawaiian) | 20 |
Jewelry(Jade) | 25,26,27 |
Jewelry(Native American) | 62 |
Jewelry(Silver) | 72 |
Jim Beam Decanter | 73 |
Junk | 58 |
Kamaka(Ukuleles) | 76 |
Kewpies | 37 |
Kikaidabilia | 73 |
Kimono | 39,40,46, 54 |
Kitch Collectibles | 79 |
Kitchenware | 8, 32, 75 |
Kitchenware(Mid Century) | 53 |
Knick Knacks | 19, 65, 72 |
Koa Bowl (Hand Crafted) | 31 |
Koa Wood Items | 29, 36 |
Koa(Antique & Vintage) | 47 |
Koa/ Kou Woodworks | 62 |
Label Goods | 61 |
Lacquerware | 78 |
Lamps(Antique) | 35 |
Large Collection of 1950s-60s Shot Glasses | 84 |
Las Vegas/Reno Brochures & Promo(1960s) | 74 |
Lighting | 8 |
Limoges | 80 |
Linen | 8, 9, 10, 85 |
Local(Ashtrays) | 15 |
Magazines(Surf) | 84 |
Magazines(VW) | 84 |
Maps(Hawaii) | 74 |
Maps(Mid Century Hawaii) | 2 |
Matchbook Covers (Hawaii) | 59 |
Matchbook Covers | 41 |
Matson(Ephemera) | 2 |
Men's Rings (Ruby, Emerald, Diamond) | 35 |
Men's Items (Toys, Games, Computerbilia) | 64 |
Men's Watch(1940 18K) | 35 |
Mexican Serving Trays | 17,18 |
Mid Century Aloha Ware | 53 |
Mid Century Hawaii Maps | 2 |
Mid Century Kitchenware | 53 |
Mid Century Modern | 84 |
Mid Century Teak | 53 |
Mid Century(Furniture) | 32 |
Milk Bottles (Hawaiian) | 63 |
Ming's /Mexican Sterling | 17,18 |
Ming's(Jewelry) | 20, 33, 37, 43, 52 |
Mini Mora Clocks | 80 |
Misc. Items | 69 |
Misc. Fabrics, Ephemera | 41 |
Misc. Hawaiian Collectibles | 29 |
Misc. Hawaiian Jewelry | 52 |
Miscellaneous Collectables | 4, 30, 37 |
Monkees Hawaii Fan Club Photos/Mem. | 74 |
MuuMuu | 83 |
Native American Jewelry | 62 |
Necklaces(Puka Shell) | 34 |
Non Sport Cards | 58 |
Nutcracker Easter Family | 74 |
Object D'Art | 57 |
Oddities | 1, 32, 63 |
Old Houseware Goods | 70 |
Old Photos & Books | 72 |
Old Stuff | 77 |
Oriental Items | 3, 32 |
Ornaments | 48 |
Other Memorabilia | 21 |
Paintings & Prints | 6 |
Paintings | 22, 88 |
Paintings(Signed) | 35 |
Paintings/Art | 57, 72 |
Paper / Menus | 17,18 |
Paper Money (Foreign/US) | 45 |
Patchwork | 6 |
Pearls | 20 |
Pedal Cars | 76 |
Pedants | 54 |
Philatelic Items | 66 |
Photographs | 36 |
Piggy Bowls | 22 |
Pins | 90 |
PinUp Girls | 2 |
Platters | 64 |
Pocket Watch (Antique 18K Diamond/Ruby) | 35 |
Pokemon(Sportscards) | 21 |
Porcelain Pieces | 69 |
Porcelain | 6, 35 |
Postage(Discount) | 15 |
Postcards | 2 |
Postcards(Dated Hawaiian) | 63 |
Posters | 63 |
Posters(Surf) | 81 |
Posters(Various) | 72 |
Pottery | 75 |
Pottery(California) | 17,18 |
Precious Moments | 69 |
Primo Collectibles | 63 |
Prints | 50, 57 |
Puka Shell Necklaces | 34 |
Purses | 4 |
Pyrex | 39,40,46, 43, 55 |
Pyrex/Fire King | 22 |
Quan Yin(Kuan Yin) | 1 |
Quilts | 43, 57 |
Quilts(Hawaiian) | 70 |
Rare Books(Hawaii, Fine Binding) | 50 |
Records | 73, 89 |
Records(Hawaiian) | 15 |
Records(Vinyl) | 53 |
Redline Hot Wheels | 73 |
Religious Objects | 44 |
Rice Bag Shorts/Apparel | 70 |
Rock Concert Posters/Handbills(1960s-70s) | 74 |
Rosewood(1920 Bronze Carved) | 31 |
Sake Barrels/ Cups | 78 |
Seashells | 3 |
Serving Trays (Mexican) | 17,18 |
Shab Collectibles | 7, 8, 79 |
Shamanic Materials | 1 |
Shells & Beach Glass | 34 |
Shells | 17,18 |
Shirts(Hawaiian) | 17, 18, 50 |
Shoes/Clothes/Purses | 69 |
Shot Glasses(1950s-60s) | 84 |
Signed Koa Bowl | 31 |
Silver Coins | 25,26,27 |
Silver | 28, 38, 61 |
Skate Memorabilia | 23,24 |
Skateboards | 81 |
Small Antiques from Around the World | 38 |
Small Antiques | 38 |
Snoopy Dog Bowls (1950s) | 31 |
Sports Cards | 58 |
Sportscards Pokemon | 21 |
Sportscards, Memorabilia & Comics | 25,26,27 |
Spring Time Water Globe | 74 |
Stamp Sheets (Japanese) | 15 |
Stamps | 58, 66 |
Statues | 22 |
Sterling Jewelry | 62 |
Sterling | 44 |
Strawberry Shortcake Toys | 73 |
Stubenbergs | 2 |
Stuffs | 11, 12, 88 |
Surf Clothing | 84 |
Surf Magazines | 84 |
Surf Memorabilia | 23,24 |
Surfboards | 81 |
Swizzlesticks(Hawaiian) | 73 |
T-Shirts | 70 |
Taxidermy | 1 |
Tea Cups & Saucers | 69 |
Teak(Mid Century) | 53 |
Tepco Red Leaf Oval Plates | 17,18 |
Textiles | 56 |
The Divine Feminine Objects | 1 |
TMNT Action Figures | 76 |
TMNT Storage Box | 76 |
Tokens | 25,26,27 |
Toys | 33, 41, 48, 64, 73, 75, 77, 89 |
Toys(Collectible) | 29 |
Toys(Japanese Superhero) | 73 |
Toys(Old) | 70, 88 |
Toys(Strawberry Shortcake) | 73 |
Treasure Craft Hawaii | 84 |
Tribal Art & Artifacts | 1 |
Turquoise(Estate) | 34 |
Ukulele(Antique & Vintage) | 47 |
Ukuleles Kamaka | 76 |
Ukuleles | 16, 17, 18, 36, 81 |
United Airlines Menehune(1970 Rare) | 31 |
Uranium Glass | 39,40,46 |
Vases | 57 |
Vase(Chinese Porcelain) | 62 |
VHS | 89 |
Victorian Collectibles | 8 |
Vintage & Antique Jade | 35 |
Vintage/Antique Art | 64 |
Vinyl Records | 53 |
Watches | 16, 33, 35, 52 |
Wedgewood | 80 |
Women's Rado & Hermes Watches | 35 |
Wood Items | 29 |
Wooden Territorial Clothes Hangers | 15

Blaisdell Hawaii Suites & Galleria. Click on the map to enlarge.