Holiday Show Aftermath
November 26: Mahalo! to all the collectors who migrated to a spesho Holiday Wiki Wiki Vintage Sunday! Surf was up and vendors did their magic bringing classic long boards & treasures from Christmas past, glowing & bubbling. Vintage Hawaii Fashion, Classic Toys & Exotic Jewelry for the Festive Season were on over 100 tables of retro fun. Amazing! Next Wiki Wiki is in the Spring on March 23, 2025. Please come again.
Happy Holidaze! Ilene & Wayne
Holiday Cheer is Here!
November 15: Vintage Santas, Snowmen, Sparkles, and Lights. Vintage Jewelry, Accessories, & Toys help make for a special Wiki Wiki Sunday! Go Holo Holo at Wiki Wiki.
Recent Digs
October 24: Here's a 1998 photo I dug up from our archives showing what was left of the Big Pineapple Water Tank that used to tower over Honolulu from the roof above the Dole Pineapple Cannery.